How To Create A Successful Crowd Funding Campaign That Will Get You the Money You Need?

Because Kickstarter opened itself to UK projects on October 31 this year, we thought it might be useful to provide some tips for creating a successful campaign. Launched in 2009 in the US, Kickstarter is now one of the largest crowdfunding platforms, boasts more than 73,620 projects, with a success rate of 43.5%, and $ 381 million in appointments. 

As a gift-based platform, there is no "investor," rather supporters or donors. Here, monetary donations for projects are valued with people such as film credit, advanced copies of games, t-shirts, or dinner with producers. You can get to know more about Kickstarter crowdfunding by clicking here.

The landmark campaign includes a double fine of the Schafer team, with more than $ 3 million that is pledged, and the Pebble E-Paper Watch, with $ 10 million is guaranteed. After much anticipation, the creative community in the UK can now promote their project right throughout their American counterparts.

How to Fund a Business Startup Via Crowdfunding

Image Source: Google

Kickstarter is not the first prize-based crowdfunding site that is open for English projects. Rockethub and Indiegogo have become global, but there is no doubt that Kickstarter has become dear media. 

Crowdfunding for gift-based projects is very similar to the Charity Pledging and Channel Marketing program. We highly recommend reviewing the best practices of non-profit campaigns (think of Drive Promise PBS, Red Cross, British Cancer Research). The principle of classical marketing promotion, product, placement, and price also apply here.

Before posting your project, be sure to research and choose the right platform. Don't assume it's Kickstarter. Look at other sites and business models (equity, donation-based, loans, etc.). Be sure to read fine molds around the requirements, costs, IP, liabilities, average promises, the average number of supporters per project, the sector is represented, the level of success, etc.