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Cartoline Storiche

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How to recognize and treat chilblains on the feet

Chilblains are uncomfortable skin lesions that typically show up on the toes in cooler environments. They are certainly not due to what is widely considered as poor blood flow but you are due to a inadequate reaction of the circulation to changes in temperature in cooler parts of the world. Those people who are healthy with excellent blood circulation still get chilblains and the reason for them is not entirely clear. They start out to begin with as small red spots on the toes that may be itchy. They later change to a dark blue colour as waste materials build up within the skin. The simplest way to take care of chilblains is usually to not get them by avoiding them. This is achieved by continuing to keep the foot warm and not letting it become cold. In the event the foot does become cool, then it's crucial that it is warmed up slowly and gradually. A too fast warming up by, as an example, putting the cold foot in front of a source of heat is widely considered as what it is that results in a chilblain. When a chilblain develops, numerous creams enables you to help the blood flow and also stimulate the removing of the waste products. It is important that the chilblain is protected from the footwear pressure with bandages of some kind.

There are many unknowns about chilblains that medical science has not yet uncovered. One of these is the fact that you will find quite a large group of individuals who once suffered from chilblains and then one winter they just stopped being a problem and have certainly not happened again. When you search and ask them what changed the year that the chilblains didn't happen, you typically will discover not a thing. There wasn't any change in their health status or diet or anything that could be determined. Obviously, if the reason for this might be identified then that has the possibility to open up an important method for taking care of people who have active chilblains.

What is overpronation of the feet in runners?

The way in which the feet function or works could have a significant impact on the rest of the body. The feet are generally regarded as the foundation of the body and just like the tall building analogy, if that platform isn't right, then something can go wrong higher up. There are numerous kinds of biomechanical problems that can impact that platform and how the foot interacts with the surface. That interaction will have different impacts further up the body.

One of the issues that can go wrong is something that is generally termed “overpronation”. This phrase can often be used and misused, so probably should be avoided. The term refers to the foot moving inwards at the rearfoot as well as the arch of the foot flattening. This is quite a normal movement and is only a problem if there to too much of it. The reason why the phrase is such an issue is that there is no agreement about what is too much and what is actually normal. This can lead to lots of uncertainty in research as well as in clinical practice, particularly when choices have to be made if the overpronation should be taken care of or not.

The impact that this problem can have on the body are claimed to vary from hallux valgus and heel spurs in the foot to leg and knee joint conditions in runners. There are many ways to treat it, again with a lot of disagreement between health care professionals regarding the best way to treat it. Rationally the treatment of the overpronation ought to be directed at the cause and there isn't any such thing as a one size fits all. When the condition is caused by tight calf muscles, then stretching out of those muscles would be the reasonable approach. If the problem is the control of muscles at the hip, then the treatment ought to be geared towards that. If the problem is caused by weak foot muscles, then that is the best place to start the rehab with exercises. If the concern is because of a bony alignment issue in the foot, then foot orthotics are often prescribed.
