Nicotine Replacement Therapy Smoking Cessation

Nicotine replacement therapy, or NRT, is a smoking cessation method. When asked while people will not quit smoking, the fear of related withdrawal symptoms was the number one reason for many people. If you quit smoking today, nicotine would still be in your body for as many as four more days.

Why is nicotine such a problem for quitting smoking and leading to withdrawal problems? Because nicotine, which is found naturally in tobacco, is very highly addicting. Quitting smoking is all the more difficult because the smoker has developed a dependency on the nicotine. 

So even though you very much want to quit smoking, and want to quit today, the related withdrawal symptoms like headaches, dizziness, sleeping problems, anger, and even depression can make it impossible to do so.

Nicotine replacement therapy, or NRT, is a method of quitting smoking by using a product that will deliver nicotine into the bloodstream on a reduced and diminishing dosage than the smoker is getting from cigarettes. The nicotine in the NRT products also do not have the same toxins that are found in cigarette smoke.

Nicotine replacement therapy, or NRT, is a smoking cessation method. When asked while people will not quit smoking, the fear of related withdrawal symptoms was the number one reason for many people. If you quit smoking today, nicotine would still be in your body for as many as four more days.