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dinosaur light shades

Kids Dinosaur Ceiling Pendant Light Shades

Whether you are looking for a fun lamp for your kids room or a stylish ceiling pendant light shade, there are many dinosaur themed options.

Adding some lighting to your child's bedroom or playroom is an easy way to give it a fresh look. You can get a lampshade that is designed to fit most standard lamp bases.

Childrens Dinosaur Ceiling Pendant Light Shade

A great way to add a little bit of fun and personality to your child's bedroom, this Childrens Dinosaur Ceiling Pendant Light Shade has a pterodactyl dinosaur design that will surely be adored. It is made from white polypropylene and comes flat packed and ready to hang on a standard ceiling light holder. The pterodactyl is lit up by a white bulb that has been positioned inside the body of the dinosaur, so when you switch it on, the whole dinosaur will light up.

You can buy this Kids Dinosaur Ceiling Pendant Light Shade from desertcart in Grenada and more countries with free shipping. It is the best online shopping platform where you can find renowned brands at affordable price and fast delivery. You can even get unlimited free shipping in 164+ countries with desertcart Plus membership. It is a trusted and renowned name operating in 164+ countries since 2014. The website is completely safe and secure and uses encryption technologies to safeguard your financial details and transactions. The products sold on the site are of high quality and brand-approved by customers.

Pterodactyl Light Shade

The Pterodactyl Light Shade is the perfect way to add a touch of Jurassic dinosaur magic to your kids' bedroom. It is made from white polypropylene and is non-electric, so it can attach to a standard ceiling light socket. It also comes flat packed and is easy to assemble, making it the perfect gift or for updating your child's room with a bit of fun!

The Pterodactyl Light is a brilliantly designed Jurassic dinosaur that can give you a warm, comforting glow from the head and wings. It is a great addition to any dinosaur themed room and can be used as a pendant light or a lampshade on a floor stand. It fits most standard lamp bases and is available in several sizes. You can buy the Pterodactyl Light from desertcart, which is a 100% legitimate website operating in 164 countries. The site uses the latest software systems and technologies to protect your information and make sure that you have a safe and secure shopping experience. It also has many positive reviews on portals like Trustpilot.

Dinosaur Lampshade

Designed and made in Ireland this funky Dinosaur Lampshade is the perfect touch to any dinosaur themed bedroom. Featuring hand drawn T-Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus and Pterodactyl the Dinosaur Drum Lampshade is a great way to add light and colour to any kid's room or playroom. The white polyresin body houses a small bulb which casts out the wings of the dinosaur for a warm and comforting glow, while the 68cm wingspan makes it an impressive focal point in any childrens room. It fits any standard pendant light fitting. The Dinosaur lampshade is also the perfect gift for dinosaur mad kids!

desertcart is a leading international online retailer that offers you the best price on the latest products. The company has been in business since 2014 and is a reliable platform for you to purchase your favourite products.
