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Cartoline Storiche

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Supported living

The Benefits Of Independent Supported Living For Disabled People

Independent supported living is a type of housing arrangement that allows disabled people to live in their own homes, with the support of carers who visit them on a regular basis. This type of housing can be beneficial for disabled people as it gives them more independence and control over their lives.  

There are many online websites in the market such as On Track Tasmania which will provide you with independent support living. It can also help to reduce social isolation and increase access to community facilities and services.

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What benefits does it offer to disabled people?

Independent Supported Living (ISL) offers a range of benefits to disabled people. ISL can provide disabled people with the opportunity to live in their own homes, with support from trained staff who can help them with everyday tasks such as personal care, cooking, and cleaning.

ISL can also give disabled people more control over their lives, and the support they receive. Disabled people who live in supported accommodation can often feel like they are not in control of their own lives, and that they are at the mercy of their carers. 

But with ISL, disabled people have the opportunity to make their own decisions about how they want to live their lives. Another benefit of ISL is that it can help disabled people to build up their confidence and independence. 

In supported accommodation, staff may do everything for disabled people, but in an ISL setting, staff will only do what is necessary to support them – this encourages disabled people to do more for themselves. Ultimately, this can lead to disabled people feeling more confident and independent.
