Tips For Storing And Using Your Water Butt

Water butts are a type of water dispenser that uses pressurized water to squirt out a stream of water. They are often used in offices and other places where people need quick access to clean water, such as schools and hospitals. You can also use a water butt to store rainwater, snowmelt, or groundwater.

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If you're like most people, you probably have a water butt somewhere in your yard. But do you know how to use it? Here are some tips for storing and using your water butt:

1.Make sure the butt is properly cleaned before storage. Use a garden hose to blast it clean of dirt, leaves, and other debris.

2.Fill the butt with fresh water each day. If you have a tankless water heater, fill the butt only when needed so that the water doesn't freeze.

3.Keep the butt covered when not in use to prevent critters from getting inside and using up all the water.

4.Reserve the butt for drinking water only and never pours waste or grey water into it. Instead, try using a rain barrel or recycling bin for greywater collection.

5.When the butt is full, dump it out and refill it with fresh water before use again. 

6.If the butt fills up with leaves and debris, it may need to be replaced. To learn how to build a water butt from scratch, check out these instructions.